Snack of the week with Colorfull Plates
Don't feel like cooking or can't think of a snack to make? Fear not, just come to Colorfull Plates for quick, and easy snack ideas. Fruit Smoothie 1 cup of milk of choice or 1 cup of yogurt 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 frozen banana 1/4 cup orange juice dash of cinnamon OPTIONAL: add...
Everyone Can Help
Dinner time together is a tradition that we make sure to do as a family. It is another avenue we stay connected as a family. I don't know about you but my kids always want to help out in the kitchen. Majority of the time, items are too hot for them to handle or...
Conversations at Dinnertime
Dinnertime is the perfect time to have conversations with your children. Between dinner and bedtime, it seems that most kids are the most talkative. Whether it's fighting fatigue or just pleasantly relaxed, it's a few golden hours for parents and guardians to cherish. So use the time as an opportunity to get them thinking about different...
The Colorfull Plates Story
Howdy! I'm Robin Oloyede, and the creator of Colorfull Plates. I started the company when my son told me he wanted to be an astronaut. We searched high and low and found zero astronauts that looked like him. WE FOUND NONE. My quest to make his dreams feel like a reality began, and Colorfull Plates was...